

Key Highlight: Indianapolis has highest rate of pretrial EM in the US.

Case Studies

  • Marion County, Indiana: Marion County, home of the city of Indianapolis, has one of the largest pretrial electronic monitoring programs in the country. EM is part of the county’s pretrial services program which launched in 2017.
  • Marion County, Indiana: El condado de Marion, sede de la ciudad de Indianápolis, cuenta con uno de los may- ores programas de monitoreo electrónico preliminar a juicio del país.



Marion County (where Indianapolis is located) has the highest levels of pretrial electronic monitoring usage in the U.S.Between 2017-19 Indianapolis had more than 8,300 people on pretrial monitors and 14,300 on post-trial monitors. By early 2020 more than 4,000 people were on a monitor at any given moment. Individuals paid a $50 set-up fee and $14 a day to be on the monitor.


In 2018 Indiana Against E-Carceration launched the first statewide organization to combat the use of EM. Even Rick Snyder, the head of the Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police, criticized the use of electronic monitoring.

There's currently no data for this state yet. If you have electronic monitoring stories and data for this state, please let us know by completing the map intake form at the top of the page
Data collected post-Covid-19