Get Involved
Take part in and support MediaJustice organizing nationwide! Join our list, sign a petition, or make a donation today.
Join the Movement
Sign-up for our mailing list to receive urgent policy updates, information on events, useful organizing resources, and opportunities to take action to protect our digital civil rights. We promise you’ll never be “over-served” when you join Team #MediaJustice. We don’t share your information, and you get to decide what updates you want.

Sign a Petition
Our organizers and MediaJustice Network members are on the ground leading campaigns speaking truth to power and demanding racial, economic, and gender justice. Take action with them by adding your name to a petition or getting involved in other ways.
Chip in to help underrepresented voices speak loudly, for ourselves, when our voices are needed most! Your gift goes directly to our organizing work on the ground and with our MediaJustice Network members nationwide.