

Key Highlight: Man Jailed for Not Paying EM Fees

Case Studies

  • Case Study: Tucson, Arizona: Pima County has been using electronic monitoring (EM) since at least 2015, when officials first approved using EM in DUI cases. However, the issue remained somewhat dormant for several years.
  • Caso de Estudio: Tucson, Arizona: El condado de Pima ha usado el monitoreo electrónico desde al menos el año 2015, cuando las autoridades aprobaron por primera vez su uso en casos de personas convictas de conducir bajo la influencia.


Pretrial/EM and the Law

In May 2019, Robert Hiskett was released from jail on an electronic monitor while he awaited trial. When the EM authorities told him he had to pay $400 a month in fees for the monitor, he told the court he could not afford the payment. Judge Rick Lambert sent him back to jail and set his bond at $100,000. The Arizona Court of Appeals overruled this judgment. The state attorney general also weighed in on the issue, saying state law does not give courts the power to force defendants to pay for mandatory pretrial electronic monitoring.

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Data collected post-Covid-19