41 results found


We begin by listening. . .

At Center for Media Justice we use storytelling every day—in fact, it’s one of our most powerful tools—and this is especially true in our advocacy.


Join Musician Erin Mckeown in the Fight for Media Rights & Access

Art + Culture + Media Rights & Access equals a portal for discovery and change, and for the artists working for social justice, art is as much about power as it is the craft. PledgeMusic artist and activist Erin Mckeown talks about the importance of media justice and invites you to join the fight


What do we want? FCC Action! When do we want it? Now!

Ever been in a room with veteran organizers? I mean folks with years of experience on a single issue. If you have, then you know what I mean when I say there is a palpable difference between people who “work” on an issue and people who’ve been “called” to an issue.


Justice Dept. Sees Through AT&T’s Jobs “Promise”

By Dave Saldana, September 8, 2011 / Reposted from

The Department of Justice gave wireless customers an extremely valuable gift last week when it filed suit to block the AT&T/T-Mobile merger, a $39 billion boondoggle that would've made AT&T richer and more powerful at the expense of everybody else. By suing to block the merger, the Justice Department allowed consumers to keep the benefits of the competition, innovation and choice that a competitive market, such as it is, provides for us.


If Phone Giants Merge: A Rural Take