Our three primary concerns with his current ‘proposed rules’ are:
· Ensuring wireless equity
· Preventing paid prioritization, and
· Simplifying the definition of “broadband Internet access service.”
Over the last month–together with MAG-Net and our beltway partners—we have ramped up our political education and grassroots action to ensure our communities understand what’s at stake, and can speak for ourselves about the need for an Open Internet.
Since the start of December, we have:
- Hosted a Digital Dialogue: Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know About the Proposed Rules
- Developed and implemented a regional Op.Ed Strategy—placing pieces in states where members of the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation’s Sub Committee on Communications, Technology and the Internet are located
- Produced a video showcasing Commissioner Clyburn’s strong record of fighting for our communities and an Open Internet
- Hosted a ‘Stand strong, FCC Commissioner Clyburn!‘ online action with nearly 300 emails going to Commissioner Clyburn
- Led a visit to the FCC with CMJ’s Media Justice Policy Tank to meet with Commissioners Copps and Clyburn
- Participated in a meeting with Latinos for Internet Freedom leadership and LULAC that led to a joint statement on the need for strong wireless protections
- Participated in the Free Press ‘Can You Hear Us Now-AThon’ signature delivery to the FCC—providing 600 names and 300 organizations—representing over 1 million voices of individuals from our communities that want Internet Freedom
It’s been a busy month!
With the vote almost here (Dec. 21st), together with our MAG-Net members, we’ve done our part to make sure the FCC heard directly from our communities. Our collective message: “the Chairman’s proposed rules are too weak!”