
MediaJustice continues to stress the urgent need for a fully functional FCC in NextTV News. More than six months of congressional stalling and corporate attacks remain a barrier to giving our communities an FCC that is equipped to enforce long-awaited digital equity policies. The digital divide will not be closed by the companies that profit from keeping Black & brown communities disconnected from the world, as MediaJustice Campaigns Strategies Director Myaisha Hayes elaborates:

“Instead of applauding corporations that continue to fail families needing to stay connected to healthcare, jobs, school and one another through the pandemic, President Biden should be applying pressure to Senate leadership to confirm his [FCC] nominee Gigi Sohn. While Sohn’s confirmation has stalled for over six months, preventing the full functioning of the FCC, these Internet Service Providers watched their profits rise as 21 million Americans go without home broadband. These companies don’t need a White House ceremony, they need the oversight and regulation that only a complete FCC can provide.”

-Myaisha Hayes, via NextTV


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