
10:00AM – 5:00PM
Nation Inside Network Gathering – ROOM J (MCGREGOR)
June 28th we'll convene a network gathering of criminal justice reform advocates all across the US!  Presenters include Nick Szuberla,Thousand Kites; Steven Renderos, Center for Media Justice and Paul Wright, Prison Legal News.
10:00AM – 5:00PM 
May First / People Link – ROOM 2242 (KEITH CENTER)
The seeds of the next generation of the Internet.  Presenters include: Betty Yu, MAG-Net; Olinca Marino, Laneta and Alliance for Progressive Communication, Mauricio Alverez, Community Radio Organizer Mexico City, Ayenay Abu, Praxis Project; Jerome Scott, League of Revolutionary New Americans
9:00AM – 10:30AM
Community Media Policy & the New Majority – HILBERRY B (STUDENT CENTER)

Think outside of subsidy reform and imagine community-owned broadband networks.  Media policy can work for us. In this workshop we'll imagine locally-driven communications policies that truly work for our communities. Presenters: Anthony Giancatarino, Center for Social Inclusion; Leticia Miranda, Open Technology Institute
12:30PM – 2:00PM 
Iraq Veterans Against the War & Under the Hood Cafe Lunchtime Caucus – BREAKROOM J (MCGREGOR)

Come learn about the anti-war organizing these groups are doing with veterans and active duty soldiers of the Iraq, Afghanistan and Global Wars on Terror, integrating culture, arts and media as a form of healing and resistance. Presenters: Members of IVAW & Under the Hood Café
2:00PM – 3:30PM 
Prison Phone Justice Campaign – ROOM 157 (ART ED. CLASSROOMS)
Prison Phone Justice Campaign is coming to your community. Join the national "Prison Phone Justice Campaign." This is an amazing and powerful campaign led by grassroots media justice and criminal justice activists.  Presenters: Paul Wright, Prison Legal News; Betty Yu, Center for Media Justice; Steven Renderos, Center for Media Justice & Holly Cooper, University of California, Davis
2:00PM – 5:30PM
Youth Organizers & Media: A Field Scan (Part & 2) – HILBERRY C (STUDENT CENTER)
Mapping Change: National Field Scan of the Media Needs of Youth Organizers Share Out.  Presenters: Teresa Basilio, Global Action Project; Meghan McDermott, Global Action Project; Chris Schweidler, Data Center
4:00PM – 5:30PM 
Nation Inside: Networking Radio – ROOM M (MCGREGOR)

Radio and fighting the PIC. Get involved and pick up the mic.  Join an interactive workshop connected to the Nation Inside network gathering that will include over 25 grassroots criminal justice grassroots organizations.  Presenters: Nick Szuberla, Thousand Kites; Andalusia Knoll, Families for Freedom
9:00AM – 10:30AM 
Mobile Justice: The Next Frontier – ROOM M (MCGREGOR)
Mobile devices have become the primary means that youth, communities of color and low-wealth communities use to access the Internet. This new form of Internet access is facing a number of emerging threats due to consolidation in the mobile industry and government policies that favor big corporations over our communities. Join us to learn how national, regional and local organizations came together to stop a merger between AT&T and T-Mobile that many thought was inevitable. An interactive timeline will show us lessons we need to pursue policies that protect our communities.  Presenters: Steven Renderos, Center for Media Justice; Chancellar Williams, Free Press; Parul Desai, Consumers Union; Kira Shepherd, Color of Change; Jamilah King, Colorlines
12:30PM – 2:00PM 
People of Color Radio Caucus – Get on the Air!- HILBERRY B (STUDENT CENTER)
Color of Change – let's bring LPFM radio to the people!Presenters: Prometheus Radio Project, Center for Media Justice & Color of Change

2:00PM – 3:30PM 
Making Community Radio – HILBERRY C (STUDENT CENTER)
How to nurture participatory Community Radio with no budget.  Presenters: Autumn Chacon, Available Media Incorporated; Ryan Dennison, Available Media Incorporated and Rezkids; Sabrina Roach, Brown Paper Tickets
4:00PM – 5:30PM 
Your Media Rights: A Game Show
Come on down and be the next contestant/dissident in our interactive game show about media reform, media policy, and media justice! Players and hosts will teach each other their media rights and break through media policy wonkery using humor, creativity, and good old fashioned game show technique! Presenters: Carlos Pareja, People's Production House; Candace Clement, Free Press; Brandy Doyle, Prometheus Radio Project
5:45PM – 8:00PM 
MAG-Net and Free Press Mixer – BREAK
Join MAG-Net and Free Press for a Media Policy for Love and Justice mixer.  Join us for light refreshments and music by MAG-Net's own Steven Renderos aka DJ Ren. Hang out with friends and allies working for media reform and media justice and learn about the work we do together. All are welcome. RSVP for the Mixer.
1:00PM – 2:30PM 
Visioning Our Media Policy Future – HILBERRY C (STUDENT CENTER)
Campaigns and media created by youth and intergenerational dialog for future media that uplifts. Presenters:  Chancellar Williams, Free Press; Hannah Sassaman, Media Mobilizing Project; Theresa Tran, Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion.
1:00PM – 2:30PM 
Veteran and GI Resistance – HILBERRY A (STUDENT CENTER)
This session would be an opportunity to have an interactive discussion of mainstream coverage of veterans, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan facilitated by small group breakouts with a regroup to discuss methods used and suggestions to reframe the national dialogue of these wars and occupy. Presenters: Matt Howard, Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW); Benjamin Phillips, IVAW
1:00PM – 2:30PM 
Keeping Track: Surveillance & Organizing – ROOM 157 (ART ED. CLASSROOMS)
What can we learn from movement histories about surveillance, especially in media-based organizing? Presenters: Emi Kane, INCITE!, Seeta Peña Gangadharan and Open Technology Initiative, New America Foundation


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