
On Friday November 7th, over 70 organizations submitted a letter to the Federal Communications Commission in support of Title II reclassification as the only path towards REAL net neutrality. Fifty members of the Media Action Grassroots Network (MAG-Net) joined the letter along larger social justice groups like Color of Change,,, EFF, and Free Press. The letter has already started generating press coverage in DC as advocates for Net Neutrality are clearly against this approach.

Click here to read the letter.

This letter came in the aftermath of reports that the FCC was seriously considering a proposal to apply net neutrality rules using a “hybrid” approach in which producers of content online (or Sender Side Services) would be regulated differently than users online.

Confused? So were we because we know that part of what makes the Open Internet the transformative platform for our organizing and democratic participation is that an Internet user is both a producer and consumer of information. We host our own blogs on WordPress, distribute our music through Soundcloud, document and expose racist and sexist behavior on social media. Unlike other mediums like cable where there is a clear distinction between cable channels and cable customers, the Internet is different. This proposal would severely undermine the fundamental design of the Internet, threatening the future of our voices and our movements from being heard.

Join us as we engage in actions to pressure the FCC to implement REAL net neutrality and leave these fake proposals behind.


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