
As the FCC releases a new broadband policy and congress prepares to take up the issues of universal broadband and net neutrality, people across the country are speaking out about the lack of affordable and accessible broadband Internet service in their communities.

Program: If you want high-speed internet access, and you happen to live in certain areas on and around Eastern Kentucky's Pine Mountain–currently there's only one thing to do: Move. Members of Pine Mountain Residents for Broadband Samantha Sparkman, Vincent Smith and Cassie Robinson talk about their effort to bring high speed Internet service to their communities.

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Pine Mountain Residents for Broadband have teamed up with other community groups to create “Dial-up Rocks,” an online campaign that uses radio, video and social media to build awareness and support for their efforts to cross the last mile of the digital divide.

The Dial-up Rocks campaign is part of a national effort to ensure that stories like these reach the ears and eyes of legislators and policy makers. Last month people across the country participated in a national day of action, organized by MAG-Net, the Media Action Grassroots Network. MAG-Net is a local advocacy network of media and social justice organizations that work together to shift power relations for social change. On February 15th, the national day of action, community groups came together and shared stories and experiences about trying to stay connected. In Minnesota, the Main Street Project talked to native people about broadband Internet. In New Mexico, the Media Literacy Project held a “Show Your Love for Broadband” press conference where people gave testimony on the importance of broadband in their lives. The Digital Inclusion Coalition in San Antonio, TX community leaders and media justice organizers talked about the importance of digital inclusion in their community. They also discussed some of the barriers to being fully connected even when broadband Internet is technically available.

Credits: Produced by Mia Frederick and Thousand Kites (KY), with help from MAG-Net, The Main Street Project (MN), The Media Literacy Project (NM) and the Digital Inclusion Coalition (San Antonio, Texas), and WMMT-FM (KY) Music by: Dial-up Blues – Randy Wilson, Broadband in Your Face – Eloise Rose-Lee, Kristofer Rios and Steven Renderos, Brandon Bagaason 


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