
This Tuesday May 29th we’ll be matching Comcast and AT&T’s lobbying power in Sacramento by speaking up and showing lawmakers our support for SB 822, California’s comprehensive Net Neutrality bill. SB 822 is the strongest Net Neutrality bill in the country, and the large Internet Service Providers are spending millions to try and stop it. But local communities of color are prepared to stop them — because we know what’s at stake. Get on the bus for net neutrality

A free and open Internet is critical to our ability to thrive as Black people and people of color in this country. Social movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo have proven how critical it is for our voices to be heard online while we fight for our lives offline.

That’s why the Center for Media Justice is teaming up with Color of Change to take a bus full of people of color and their allies to the state capital on May 29th to make sure lawmakers hear our voices and respect our digital civil rights.

Space is limited so register today to reserve your spot on the bus.

Registration is free; light breakfast and lunch will be provided. We will be meeting at Oakstop in downtown Oakland at 8:30am for a brief lobby day training and light breakfast before departing for the State House. We will return to Oakland by 5pm.


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