
On August 19, Free Press, Main Street Project and the Center for Media Justice are co-hosting a public hearing on the Future of the Internet. This important hearing is a valuable opportunity for those outside of Washington to share their ideas, experiences and concerns with the FCC.

The hearing will feature two public interest champions, FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn. Deliver your message directly to the commissioners and encourage them to bring it back to Washington.


The debate over the future of the Internet in America is at a critical juncture. On one side are the millions of people who have seen the Internet become a vital part of their daily routine. They've contacted elected officials and regulators demanding that Washington protect the open Internet and foster universal broadband access and adoption for all Americans.

On the other is a lobbying juggernaut that seeks to destroy this openness so that phone and cable companies can rebuild the Internet as a gated community that pads their bottom line.
The world is changing, and increasingly, having access to the Internet and knowing how to use it determines who stands to benefit from the new economy, and who is left behind.
They've had their say inside the Beltway, but the FCC needs to hear from the rest of us. Join us on Aug. 19, 2010, at a hearing to urge the FCC to protect Internet users, pass real Net Neutrality rules, and connect everyone to fast, affordable broadband service.

We've just started our outreach efforts and are looking to all of you for your help in turning folks out to this important event. Please forward this onto your networks!

Location: South High School, 3131 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN (Auditorium)

Date/Time: Thursday, Aug. 19, 2010, 6 p.m.

Featured Speakers: FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn and Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie
(All FCC commissioners are invited to speak, and other elected officials have also received invitations to speak. Additional speakers will be announced as they are confirmed.)

Contact: Steven Renderos for more information, [email protected]

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