
From East, West, Southeast, Southwest and Midwest, MAG-Net Anchors traveled from all parts of the country to Atlanta, Georgia this week to talk about the past, present and future of the Network. It's a time of celebration, reflection and deep planning. Check out what happened on day one.


2013 Anchors Congress

From July 10-13, 2013 Media Action Grassroots Network leaders from the East, Midwest, Southeast, Southwest, and West gathered to talk about building power for our communities; media rights, access and strategies; and the future of MAG-Net


  1. group photo take 2


  2. MAG-Net Anchors Congress | Facebook


  3. Media Action Grassroots Network's Photos | Facebook


  4. Media Action Grassroots Network's Photos | Facebook


  5. I don't think there's a voiceless person out there, it's about whether we're being listened to – Albert Sykes #YPP #MediaJustice #WORD



  6. MAG-Net Anchors Congress | Facebook


  7. Last dope quote from the MAG-Net Anchors opening night from Ash-lee Henderson of Concerned Citizens for Justice: "Social media was great for mobilizing thousands to get justice for Treyvon Martin, but it's not the same as organizing. In the south you can't replace face to face relationships to build power." – via Malkia C., Center for Media Justice


  8. Media Action Grassroots Network-Quotes #mediajustice


  9. @mediaaction 2013 Anchor's Congress about to kick off. Just set our Community Agreements!



  10. MAG-Net Anchors Congress | Facebook


  11. How do we translate what's happening on the nat'l level to local fights while maintaining @mediaaction 's collective power? #mediajustice



  12. MAG-Net Anchors Congress | Facebook


  13. Themes of movement and transition using "theatre of the oppressed" tools. #IloveIt #MediaJustice



  14. Last human sculpture photo – thanks again to …


  15. Building our Media Justice timeline of activities this past year #mediajustice


  16. happy to be in ATL on behalf of @npcommunicator MT: Welcome to the 2013 @mediaaction Anchors Congress #mediajustice



  17. In this totally not staged photo op @MPLSPoBoy of @LnBrkMedia preps to document the Anchors Congress #mediajustice


  18. East Coast region doing a network assessment at


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