Whenever I’m called in to provide the leaders of both public and private sectors training and guidance on using digital tools, I sometimes get a little bit of resistance. And that resistance almost always focuses on a single complaint: I just don’t have time for this. People in leadership positions are already juggling a million different roles and tasks, and I’m asking them to take on another that doesn’t, at first glance, feel like it has immediate return on time investment. In the nonprofit world especially, movement leaders experience intensive levels of stress, and social media doesn’t always seem to make sense in the scramble of trying to save the world.
Since I’ve been sold on digital tools as world-changers for a pretty long time, I decided to ask a few colleagues– some of my very own favorite movement leaders– about their social media usage. Meet Rinku Sen, executive director of the Applied Research Center and publisher of Colorlines.com (note: I serve on their board), and Malkia Cyril, founder and executive director of the Center for Media Justice. Here’s what they had to say.