
Despite recent statements of support for the Black Lives Matter movement, Facebook continues to not do enough to stop the online violence Black people endure on the platform. Our Executive Director, Steven Renderos, speaks to the company’s inaction and blatant disregard for Black communities.

“What would this moment look like right now for Black communities in which they’re not having to deal with white supremacists” on social media, asks Steven Renderos, executive director at the group MediaJustice, which has spent years engaging with Facebook over protecting Black users. Instead, as Renderos spoke, the country was dealing with the aftermath of Zuckerberg’s decision to leave up a post from Trump glorifying violence against protesters. “We would be in a different place in terms of being able to protect and value Black lives in this moment if Facebook took those concerns seriously. But I think we’re at this moment now where we’re yet again realizing that they don’t care.”

Steven Renderos via MotherJones


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