

We came together from across the nation.  We brought with us our own networks and shared our culture in the opening ceremony of setting the altar.

– Rusita Avila, MLP, Albuquerque, NM (Day1 of the MAG-Net Anchors Initiative)


Today was the last day of the Media Action Grassroots Network (MAG-Net) Anchors Retreat.  As members of the network, we projected our vision for our respective regions and the network at large. We had honest conversations with funders about adaptability, partnership, increasing ability, diversifying our base, leveraging assets within the group, and providing funders with compelling stories to insure they are informed of our successes.  The funders provided valuable feedback to strategize for future financial resource development. We can learn from for-profit businesses and apply those strategies that fit with our values.  To sustain our network we need to collaborate, share our resources and strategize to obtain more.

As we take our pieces from the altar, we return to our homes and our communities.  We take the Anchor network with us.  We have strengthened the bonds and recommitted to media justice.  We take down the writing off the wall and transfer it to the web.  We are MAG-Net.  Just like a magnet, we stay connected and support each other.  Bringing us together has made us a stronger force.  Hasta la próxima …until next time…


Rusita Avila is Media Justice Organizer for the Media Literacy Project.



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