
What is “Media Justice”?

Fighting for a future where we are all connected, represented and free.

Poet and novelist Audre Lorde said, “We were never meant to survive.” And yet our communities, in the face of rising hate and oppressive policies, continue to resist, continue to beat the odds stacked against us.

For communities of color, lower income families and the social movements they fuel, transforming systemic barriers and “beating the odds” in the 21st century demands a fair economy, connected communities, a political landscape of visibility, voice and power. To achieve this we need a media and technology environment that fuels real justice.

We call that “Media Justice” and recognize this as a crucial moment in our struggle for freedom—freedom from oppression, freedom to communicate.

Our Mission

MediaJustice (formerly Center for Media Justice) is building a powerful grassroots movement for a more just and participatory media —fighting for racial, economic, and gender justice in a digital age. Launched in 2009 by Malkia Devich Cyril, Amy Sonnie, and Jen Soriano — MediaJustice boldly advances communication rights, access, and power for communities harmed by persistent dehumanization, discrimination and disadvantage. Home of the MediaJustice Network, we envision a future where everyone has sustained and universal access to open and democratic media and technology platforms.

A group photo of the MediaJustice Network in 2018 in Oakland, CA. Many smiling faces with hands raised in a show of collective power.

Our Vision

“Media justice” exists when we are all connected, represented and free; when fundamental communication rights are widely experienced by everyone, regardless of social power and position. In the 21st century, universal access to media & technology, democratic media ownership, and meaningful, accurate representation in news & popular culture will drive a new reality of racial, economic and gender justice.

Our Story

Celebrating ten years as a national organization and movement leader, in 2019 the Center for Media Justice and the Media Action Grassroots Network became MediaJustice and the MediaJustice Network. Together they remain committed to honoring their radical roots and pursuing the fight for the digital rights of people of color everywhere.