Center for Media Justice and MAG-Net members met in Washington, DC to fight surveillance against immigrants head on! Check out our recap below to learn about everything we accomplished on our trip:
Meeting with Lawmakers on Capitol Hill
We had an amazing team of 13 delegates, including 6 MAG-Net members, meet with lawmakers to defend immigrants from law enforcement surveillance!
Delegates from BAJI, Mijente, Organized Communities Against Deportation, Media Mobilizing Project, Undocublack, Juntos, Asamblea de Derechos Civiles, Ella Baker Center, RAICES, Detention Watch Network, Washington Peace Center, Advancing Justice LA, and CIVIC joined us from across the country to represent their communities.
Together, we met with the staffers of Senator Ron Wyden (OR), Senator Al Franken (MN), Senator Kamala Harris (CA), Rep. Justin Amash (MI) and met with Rep. Keith Ellison (MN) in person! Each delegate took turns sharing the realities of increased surveillance in their mostly immigrant and Muslim communities. We look forward to working with lawmakers to find new solutions against surveillance of immigrants, communities of color, and religious minorities.
Color of Surveillance Conference
After a day of advocating on the Hill, we participated in the Color of Surveillance conference hosted by Georgetown Law’s Center for Privacy and Technology. Immigrant rights leaders from across the US joined with academics and policymakers to explore how increased surveillance of immigrants under Trump affects their lives, and what it will take to get civil rights protections from Congress and companies.
We heard amazing reports on the historical roots of surveillance of immigrants from academics as well as what that means for present-day government monitoring and organized resistance.
Below are presentations from CMJ’s Malkia Cyril as well as MAG-Net members, Carl Lipscombe of Black Alliance for Just Immigration and Ken Montenegro of Advancing Justice LA. Check them out!
Carl Lipscombe (Black Alliance for Just Immigration):
Ken Montenegro (Advancing Justice Los Angeles):
Movement Technology for Movement Success
Malkia Cyril (Center for Media Justice):
We Are the Color of Freedom: To Win Migrant Rights, Demand Digital Sanctuary