
12065517_1014861218544484_3830943592194421744_nThe Media Action Grassroots Network is in Washington D.C. this week leading 9 member delegation of MAG-Net members who have flown in from all over the country for the #RightToConnect Delegation.

We have a packed 2 days starting with our Congressional Briefing at noon EST  Tuesday October 6th, to educate Congressional leaders on the important implications Prison Phone Justice and Lifeline reform will have on our communities #RightToConnect.

In the afternoon, our delegates, along with our partners from Color of Change, Free Press, National Hispanic Media Coalition, United Church of Christ OC and others, will meet with FCC Commissioners to deliver over 75,000 petition signatures that we worked together to collect over the last few months.

Show the MAG-Net delegates some love! Join us online today and tomorrow by using #RightToConnect and #PhoneJustice to give them a shoutout. Use our outreach toolkit for sample Right To Connect social media posts.

Learn more today:

You can follow all the action on Facebook and Twitter



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