
Last week in D.C., we helped organize a delegation of leading Muslim, Arab and South Asian American activists from around the country—assembled to demand an end to the high-tech surveillance and harassment of their communities. Members of the group spoke on a panel during a briefing with the Congressional Black Caucus, made impactful presentations at the Color of Surveillance Conference at Georgetown Law School, and visited the offices of elected officials on Capitol Hill.

Throughout the week, whether during the conference or while speaking directly to Congressional leaders, they powerfully argued for an end to racist programs like  “Countering Violent Extremism” and the FBI’s focus on “Black Identity Extremists.”

The delegation included activists from leading organizations nationwide, including the National Network for Arab American Communities, Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans, Muslim Justice League, MPower Change, Palestinian Youth Movement, Young Muslim Collective, and Stop LAPD Spying Coalition. It was additionally supported by Color of Change, Defending Rights and Dissent, and Free Press.

Check out some highlights from the week below!

For more, view our photo album from the week’s activities on Facebook.


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