Here are 13 reasons to join MAG-Net’s Membership Assembly, June 16th in Detroit
- Meet awesome people doing great work
- Celebrate our collective victories this year (there were lots!)
- Deepen our collective knowledge of #MediaJustice
- Highlander Research & Education Center is the (dope) leader of our convening
- Stay for the Allied Media Conference and connect with queer, trans, black and brown folks using media to incite change
- Detroit is a city of hope and post-capitalist vision – come be inspired
- Come hang out with us.
- Speak up about your local issues and connect them to national conversations
- See the premiere of our new video featuring many of you
- Learn about forefront media justice campaigns to address poverty and policing
- Influence the direction of MAG-Net
- Feed your need for inspiration
- It’s fun!!!
If you have any questions about this year’s gathering or AMC please contact our membership Organizer Angella Bellota: [email protected]
Hope to see you there!