
“Healthy Hoods” CCHE grantee InnerCity Struggle (ICS).  ICS is creating healthy hoods by organizing communities in east Los Angeles to create Health Empowerment Zones in public schools, and changing policy to create safe places to play. Not only do they want to make students healthier, they want to keep them in school!  Recently, ICS was featured in the LA Times for their work organizing hundreds of students to create alternatives to school suspensions that keep students in school and engaged. Read more about it here. #HealthyHoods

InnerCity Struggle has worked with youth and community residents since 1994 to promote safe, healthy and non-violent communities in the Eastside. They organize youth and families in Boyle Heights, unincorporated East Los Angeles, El Sereno and Lincoln Heights to work together for social and educational justice. InnerCity Struggle provides positive after-school programs for students to become involved in supporting our schools to succeed. We have empowered students to reach their family’s dream of college. The work of InnerCity Struggle demonstrates that youth and parents working together are a powerful force for improving their communities and making real change.

InnerCity Struggle also engages thousands of Eastside voters during critical election cycles to ensure they have all the information to make educated decisions at the ballot box. They have also registered thousands of new voters and trained community residents to engage in Get-Out-The-Vote efforts.

Follow InnerCity Struggle on Twitter and Facebook and support the work of communities creating healthy environments.


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