
“Healthy Hoods” champion SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP) has been building a strong grassroots organization in the Southwest to fight for environmental and social justice.  With campaigns such as Project Feed the Hood, SWOP has been forwarding a holistic vision for community health and revitalization.  Check out the website and pick up their book “500 Years of Chicano History” here.  #healthyhoods

The SouthWest Organizing Project was founded in 1980 by young activists of color to empower our communities in the SouthWest to realize racial and gender equality and social and economic justice. SWOP seeks to redefine power relationships by bringing together the collective action, talents, and resources of the people within our communities. SWOP works primarily in low-income communities of color to gain community control of our land and resources

At the core of their work is the belief that all families have the right to healthy, sustainable environments in which to live, work, and play.

Follow SWOP on Twitter and on their Facebook Page and support the work of communities creating healthy environments.


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