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Line Break Media

Line Break works with artists, organizers, and advocates to craft their stories into powerful instruments for transformative social change. Together, we can refine your communications strategy and produce compelling media to advance your vision.

CURA – Neighborhood Leadership and Organizing Program

The mission of NLOP is to support place-based organizations to successfully take on local issues by developing the skills of community organizers and leaders.

Woodlawn Reentry Project Chicago (WRPC)

The Woodlawn Reentry Project was launched in 2011, as a grassroots community-based response to the critical need for community reentry services delivery on behalf of youth and adult returning citizens exiting County/State/Federal correctional facilities. WRP’s mission drives community mobilization, capacity building and sustainability efforts supporting services delivery infrastructure that successfully restores formerly incarcerated citizens back to communities across Chicago.

HOPE Community

Hope Community creates connections that strengthen the power of community members and communities. We cultivate community leaders, build community capacity, care for the housing and community spaces we develop, and pursue equity and diversity in all we do.

Narrative Arts

We work with movements to tell great stories that inspire, activate and enliven our democracy. We believe that social movements thrive and win when they draw on participants’ personal experiences and local cultures. By telling stories—whether in the form of performance, radio, video, or other media—movements build power, envision new democratic possibilities, and change culture and policy. Our work is located at the intersection of arts, technology, and policy.

Highlander Research and Education Center

Highlander serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the South. Through popular education, participatory research and cultural work, we help create spaces — at Highlander and in local communities — where people gain knowledge, hope and courage, expanding their ideas of what is possible.

Generation Justice

Generation Justice (GJ) is a multiracial, multicultural project that trains youth to harness the power of community and raise critical consciousness through leadership development, civic engagement, media production and narrative shift in the areas that most impact New Mexicans- racial justice, health, education, early childhood development, and economic security.